In rural Malawi it is common for students to walk as far as 10 kilometers, each way every day, to attend the nearest high school. According to government statistics, a staggering 60% of students who start high school do not finish. In an effort to eliminate the transportation hurdle faced by many students and increase the likelihood that students will complete high school, Warm Heart Ministries joined a partnership between World Bicycle Relief ... Read More
Warm Heart Ministries Assists With The Opening Of The Harris High School In Likwakwanda, Malawi
When Fr. Philip Mbeta was enrolled at Illinois Benedictine University, studying for his PhD, he served as an associate pastor at St. Mary Immaculate parish in Plainfield, IL, where he met Fr. Dennis Spies. The two became close friends and maintained their friendship when Fr. Philip returned to put his degree to work as a professor at the Catholic University of Malawi. Fr. Philip had a vision of building a high school in Likwakwanda Village on ... Read More
John Spesia of Spesia & Taylor Gets Third Rotary International Project Off The Ground
On May 3, 2019, the third Rotary Global Grant project sponsored by the Rotary Club of Joliet and the Limbe, Malawi Rotary Club (with the help of Spesia & Taylor’s John Spesia) was approved by Rotary International. The grant – which totals $117,148.00 – will go towards to providing essential services to people in the rural Thyolo and Mulanji Districts of Malawi, Africa. Based on the success of previous projects, the most recent grant will ... Read More
Spesia & Taylor Supports New Sewing Facility and St. Joseph’s Centre in Malawi, Africa
St. Joseph’s Centre, Malawi, Africa Sewing Facility Update In July of 2016, an exciting new project began at the St. Joseph’s Centre. The project, designed and implemented by Fr. Phillip Mbeta with assistance from the Montfort Missionaries, was to raise enough money to construct a new building where local villagers in rural Malawi could get the instruction necessary to make clothing and other wares that could then be sold to families of school ... Read More
Partner John Spesia Leads Effort To Renovate Schools and Provide Clean Water in Rural Malawi, Africa
The media documentation of the constant domestic struggle occurring in Malawi, Africa makes it no surprise that the United Nations ranks Malawi in the 20 least developed countries in the world. This plight, although felt throughout the country, is arguably felt more so in the rural villages of Malawi simply due to their remote nature. Malawi native and Catholic priest, Father Phillip Mbeta, befriended former senior partner at Spesia & Taylor ... Read More