Doug Spesia was the senior partner of the Spesia & Taylor law firm for 20 years. He had a passion for world travel and a deep personal commitment to helping others. In 2003, Doug Spesia and his wife Lori travelled to Malawi, Africa to volunteer at a mission located in a small village called Namitembo. While there, the Spesias worked with two missionary priests, one of whom had been in Malawi for 50 years, as well as with many native priests. They became immersed in the culture, learning a great deal about the country and the work the priests were doing to empower the people with practical skills. Mostly, the Spesias were impressed with the hardworking, kind and welcoming people of Malawi. After three weeks, they knew first hand why Malawi was called “the warm heart of Africa.” Click the link below and read the story that resulted in a new school, shelter and water for the people of a disparaged region…